Data Base of Pic du Bure Neutron Monitor

Bure Neutron Monitor is situated at Altitude See Test European Platform (ASTEP).
Jean-Luc Autran, L2MP-CNRS, Marseille, France.

Latitude: 44.63N
Longitude: 5.91E
Altitude: 2252 m
Rigidity (1965): 5.0 GV
Standard atmoshperic pressure: 749.2 mb
Barometric coefficient (2008): -0.699%/mb

Prof. Jean-Luc Autran (Principal Investigator)
is with Aix-Marseille University, CNRS, University Institute of France (IUF) and Institut Carnot STAR (IC-STAR, Marseille), Institute of Materials, Microelectronics and Nanosciences of Provence (IM2NP, UMR CNRS 6242), Bâtiment IRPHE, 49 rue Joliot Curie, BP 146, F-13384 Marseille Cedex 13, France
Phone: +33496139717
Fax: +33496139709

Database contents of Bure neutron monitor data starting from 2008 (3NMm-Supermonitor). The interval of accumulation: hourly and and 1-minute since August 2008. Database updating goes in near real time. An interactive access is possible to this database and FTP as well.

Interactive access

Data in this regime are available in graphical and in digital presentation as well. All graphical plots are given relative to "February 1987".

Access by FTP

One-minute data are in directory ftp_NM1, hourly data in directory ftp_NM. Ground Level Enhancement (GLE) data are in the GLE directory. One-type data are presented in their own Format: hourly data in format C, 1-minute data in W format, and GLE data in GLE format.

There are three types of 1-minute data: neutron monitor data corrected for atmospheric pressure (C), atmospheric pressure (P), and neutron monitor data uncorrected for atmospheric pressure (U). Hourly data are presented uncorrected (U) and corrected for atmospheric pressure (P). Pressure corrected hourly data are kept as original (O) and corrected (C).