- Сцинтилляционный
детектор с оптоволоконным съёмом информации
- Precursors
of the Forbush Decrease on December 14, 2006 observed with the Global
Muon Detector Network (GMDN)
- Drift
effects and the cosmic ray density gradient in a solar rotation period:
First observation with the Global Muon Detector
Network (GMDN) (absract)
- Патрулирование
солнечной погоды с помощью наземного мюонного годоскопа-томографа
- Variations
of CR-muon intensity in the declining phase of the 23rd solar cycle in
ground and shallow underground data
- Temperature
effect of muon component and practical questions of its account (rus)
- Temperature effect
of muon component and practical questions of its account in real time
- Studies
on Cosmic Ray Sidereal Anisotropy with the Multidirectional Muon
Telescope at Ooty
- Status
of the Belgrade CR laboratory and some preliminary results
- First geomagnetic
storm ever observed from the Middle East using cosmic rays
- Observation
of muon intensity variations by season with the MINOS far detector
- Atmospheric
Variations as observed by IceCube
- Atmospheric
Variations in Muon Intensity for Different Zenith Angles
- Диагностика
температурного режима атмосферы с помощью космических лучей
- Coexistence
of cosmic-ray sidereal anisotropies originating in galactic space and
at the heliomagnetospheric nose and tail boundaries, observed with muon
detectors in the energy region of 60∼100 GeV
- Cosmic ray muon observation at
Southern Space Observatory
- Cosmic
Rays and Space Situational Awareness in Europe
- Detecting
a mass change inside a volcano by cosmic-ray muon radiography
(muography): First results from measurements
at Asama volcano, Japan
- First
Spaceweather Observations at MuSTAnG - the Muon Spaceweather Telescope
for Anisotropies at Greifswald
- High
resolution imaging in the inhomogeneous crust with cosmic-ray muon
radiography: The density structure below the volcanic
crater floor of Mt. Asama, Japan
- Global Muon Detector
Network Observing Geomagnetic Storm’s Precursor Since March 2001
- Long Term Variation
Of Cosmic Ray Latitude Gradient In The Heliosphere
- Study
of Atmospheric Temperature at Different Altitudes using Muon Angular
Distribution at Sea Level
- Muon
Telescope at BEO Moussala
- Muon
Telescopes at Basic Environmental Observatory Moussala and South-West
University – Blagoevgrad
- Muon
Diagnostics of the Earths Atmosphere and Magnetosphere
- Muon
Detectors – The Real-Time, Ground Based Forecast Of Geomagnetic Storms
- Muon
- Enhanced
sidereal diurnal variation of galactic cosmic rays observed by the
two-hemisphere network of surface level muon telescopes
- Solar Cycle
Variations Of Modulation Parameters Of Galactic Cosmic-Rays In The
- Детектирующая система
сцинтилляционного мюонного годоскопа с оптоволоконным светосбором
- Yasue S., Munakata K., Kato
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